David Frame

Hi I'm Dave,

I live in Stirlingshire, and have been playing drums since I was fourteen. As music wasn't one of my subjects in high school, I begged the drum teacher to teach me out of hours. Impressed that I was so keen to learn, he agreed that he would give up his lunch breaks, if I would.

Since then, I have dedicated all my free time to Learning, playing, gigging and recording in and out of various styles of bands for the last 23 years. I feel that I have the experience, skills and passion to pass on my knowledge to students about playing styles and working as part of a band, as well as performing live and recording drums with other musicians.

I am currently very active in my rock covers band, playing and touring all over the country.

I am very happy to teach all ages from 6 years old upwards, and can provide disclosure certification on request.

I especially believe in encouraging younger children to get involved with music at an early age as it can be a fun creative way of expression, and equip them with the foundational understanding to nurture their talent as they grow.

Please feel free to contact me for further details.

Teaching location: Stirling

Email: david.frame@drumsense.com

Web site: http://www.beatitdrumlessons.co.uk

Phone 1: 07879 997123